Saturday, September 5, 2020

Partial Sesamoidectomy Update

 Sorry this has taken so long to update. I have to say, I've had many surgeries in my life but none that have been as unsuccessful as this. Never did I think a small break in my foot to obviously such an important bone (never knew what it even was) would cause my workout routine to drastically change. It's been two years now and I'm still having trouble doing anything that stretches the ball of my foot. Reverse lunges are next to impossible, I avoid jumping and sprinting is out of the question (which I'm ok with since I'm nearing 50 :))I think the most frustrating part is that I'm a high school weightlifting teacher and now I have to modify or have someone model the lift I am teaching for the day. I am able to still take my classes on runs but my foot is sore after. The incision was on the side of my foot and when it healed there is a nerve that seems somewhat caught in the scar tissue. I definitely have permanent swelling in that area.

Sometimes I wonder if I should've insisted on the doctor taking out the entire sesamoid but since I'm not a podiatrist I figured I better go with what my doctor thought. I also think that if I would've moved the foot around sooner maybe that could've prevented some of the scar tissue from developing. I remember trying to jog again, it felt so good but also so painful. I don't think I will have surgery to take out the rest of the sesamoid because the down time is just too long and there's no guarantee it will be better..could get worse. Anyone who has broken their sesamoid understands when I say how ridiculous it is that a break in such a tiny bone can change everything you do physically. I look at it this way though, things could be much worse!!

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