For the second doctors appointment I took a second set of X-rays to see if there had been any improvement on the two pieces growing back together..none. My foot was still just as swollen so we decided to do a cortisone injection. I was feeling desperate. My podiatrist told me there were surgical options..A Sesamoidectomy or a partial sesamoidectomy. I clearly had some research to do. He told me that this was a last resort option and we should stay in the boot for a while longer. I put the boot back on and out I went. I decided to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. The second doctor was an orthopedic surgeon that I had been referred to. She took X-rays as well (which showed the fracture) but also wanted to order an MRI to see where the swelling was coming from. My 3rd doctor was an orthopedic surgeon from Stanford. I had the MRI results sent to all 3 doctor's..I wanted to compare notes, I mean this is my foot that I need for the rest of my life! So, the 2nd doctor told me that most of my swelling was in the lower broken piece with basically no cartilage left. That piece of bone also had some arthritis. The upper portion seemed healthy with no arthritis. There were also no signs of AVN (Avascular Necrosis: bone death as a result of loss of circulation). So her opinion, since I'm quite active, was to do a partial sesamoidectomy (remove the lower piece). She said if the upper piece looked unhealthy then she would take that out as well but wouldn't know until my foot was opened up. The 3rd doctor (A foot and ankle surgeon from Stanford) reviewed everything and suggested I stay in the boot for up to another 6 months, very conservative. He said I could order a hapad metatarsal pad that sticks to my custom orthotics to allow the sesamoid bone to float (relieve the pressure). I was on the fence at this point. I had seen pictures of sesamoidectomies, so gruesome. There was basically little or no info on partial sesamoidectomies which was what I was leaning towards. My podiatrist (my initial doctor) told me he thought I should do a partial sesamoidectomy. He explained how he thought my main source of pain was coming from the lower piece (just like surgeon #2 said) and that this procedure should get me on the road to recovery. He didn't want to take the healthy piece out, he said leaving me as anatomically intact was important. What do I do?? Well, after much debate I scheduled my partial sesamoidectomy for July 27th...